Faculty Council FSBS


We’re up and running!

The new academic year has begun, and that means a new faculty meeting with a new student section in the faculty council. During the meeting on September 24, 2024, we discussed, among other things, different types of appointments as well as the upcoming budget cuts. Additionally, the student section introduced itself with several interesting yearly themes.

This year, the student section of the faculty council consists of seven enthusiastic students. The chair, Dewi van Onselen, is studying psychology and was active in the psychology program committee last year. Anne den Breejen manages internal affairs. She was a board member of PAP (educational sciences) last year. Hermen Horzelenberg, a second-year ISW student, is responsible for external affairs. Joram, formerly a board member at Alcmaeon, is our PR-coordinator and is in charge of the “Toilet Papers”. Jonas, Seda, and Finn are general members and work on their specific yearly themes. The general members also take on an additional yearly theme, and help others with more general tasks.

The yearly themes the student section will focus on in the academic year 2024/2025 are:

  1. Current and inclusive education: We aim to make current topics open for discussion and create an inclusive environment where students feel free to talk about what’s happening.
  2. Digitalization: Research into digital challenges, such as the bring-your-own-device policy and the use of AI, with the goal of addressing inequalities.
  3. Effective budget cuts: We are looking at the impact of budget cuts on education and ensuring that students have a voice in this process.
  4. Collaboration between student associations and the faculty: Improving communication and cooperation between student associations and the faculty, to enhance the value of associations for both students and the faculty.
  5. Strengthening participation: We are committed to fostering a strong community within the participatory council and continue to promote student participation in education.

Do you have questions or ideas? Email us at SW-Faculteitsraadstudenten@uu.nl or talk to us on campus. We look forward to a great year of collaboration!

Best regards,
Student Section FC 2024/2025!