Faculty Council FSBS


New Year’s resolutions

Happy New Year!!! Hopefully, you were able to relax and recharge a bit over the break before getting back to your studies. With the new year, many people also think of New Year’s resolutions. So what are FC’s resolutions?

Resolution #1: We are going to put workload at study associations on the agenda with the faculty board.

Over the past few months, we have been busy working with board members to survey the workload and financial pressure among board members of study associations. The boards kept track of how many hours they worked and what they filled their time with and how much money their board year costs and how much compensation they receive. The FR will incorporate this into a report that we will present to the faculty board at one of the next faculty board meetings.

Resolution #2: Create dialogue between students, student advisors and course coordinators about accessible education.

Last year, we engaged in dialogue with student advisors about the state of affairs in educational facilities, such as extra time on tests, taking a test on enlarged paper, postponing deadlines and flexible handling of the compulsory effort requirement. In the new year, we would like to bring students, student advisors and course coordinators together to talk about where things are already going well in fascilitating accessible and inclusive education and where barriers are still being experienced and how we can work together towards good cooperation in this.

Resolution #3: Identifying motivation in student participation.

We are finalizing the questionnaire on motivation and student participation. In this we want to ask students about the reasons why they choose or do not choose to be involved in, for example, year representation, student participation  councils and/or mentorship and what they expect as compensation or reward for a certain position. In this way, we want to identify what motivates students for these positions so that faculty can take this into account when recruiting students.

Resolution #4: We continue to work on making student well-being fascilities visible and improved.

Last year, for example, we put up the care chain in the social sciences buildings (Sjoerd Groenman and the Langeveld building) and it also has a place in most of the rooms of the study associations. On this care chain you will find all the fascilities within the university where you as a student can go with all kinds of questions: from questions about finances to career orientation and from questions about your mental wellbeing to the best things to do during your student years. In the coming year we want to talk with the student welfare and ict team to make more room on the site for student stories and to pay attention to sexual well-being among students.

In short: a lot of good intentions. Keep an eye on this blog and our socials for all updates in the coming year!

Dear New Year’s greetings,

Britt, Lynn, Maartje, Mel, Ming, Rik and Ylana

Student delegation Faculty Council Social and Behavioural Sciences 2023/2024