The FC escapes!?
It seems like January lasted at least 8 weeks, but it really is February now and that means … a new blog! What did the Faculty Council do in January? You can read it here!

January began full of resolutions, New Year’s receptions and getting to know the new vice-deans . We were at the Executive Board’s New Year’s reception, where we enjoyed a motivating speech by Anton Pijpers in the academy building. Less than a day later there was the second New Year’s reception, but this time in the old and familiar Langeveld building. While enjoying a freshly baked syrup waffle, we sadly said goodbye to Marian as vice-dean, but welcomed the three new vice-deans.

At the Faculty Council meeting on the 23rd of January, we officially introduced ourselves and also presented our self-painted mugs to the faculty board. They were all, especially the new vice-deans, very happy with them!
At that faculty council meeting, we didn’t just talk about hot chocolate and tea, we discussed very serious issues.

For example, we discussed the staff council’s advisory report on temporary and permanent contracts and talked about how the programs and faculty can create space for dialogue on complex issues such as the conflict in gaza and the palastinian territories.

Last but not least, we put our cooperation with the staff delegation to the test in an escaperoom … and we passed with flying colors! In two teams, we went to rob a bank and saved the world by repairing the world turning machine. The real victory? After our escape, we all still very much liked each other 🙂

Dear escape greetings,
Britt, Lynn, Maartje, Mel, Ming, Rik and Ylana
Student delegation Faculty Council Social and Behavioral Sciences 2023/2024