Announcing the 2023 Faculty Council Election Results
We are pleased to announce that the results of the 2023 Faculty Council elections are in! Each year, our faculty organizes elections to fill the student seats on the Faculty Council, and every two years for the staff seats. This year, the elections for the students were held from May 8 to May 10, with a…
Read moreIt is election time for the Faculty Council.
In recent weeks, both student members and staff members have been busy looking for new candidates to join the Faculty Council and to take over from their predecessors. At a public meeting on April 24, 2023, the Faculty of Social Sciences Elections Committee decided that the following candidates were valid. The order of the lists is…
Read moreInterested in the FC? Come by one of our drop-in moments!
We’ll be at the Groenman building on Tuesday, March 14th at 12:00pm and at the entrance of Langeveld on Thursday, March 16th at 12:00pm.
Read moreWhat was discussed at the council meeting of January 24th?
On January 24th, the 5th council meeting took place. In this brief report, we will briefly touch upon the most important points. The FR website (as you can see) is almost complete! The council has agreed to write regular pieces about meetings and other important events that take place within the Faculty. So, keep an…
Read moreFaculty Council elections: Stand for election!
Faculty Council elections are coming up! As a member of the Faculty Council you give solicited and unsolicited advice to the Faculty Board. It is also possible to propose your own topics as a council, which are then discussed in the Faculty Council meetings with the Faculty Board. In addition, the council has the right…
Read moreNew website
To improve visibility and accessiblilty of the Faculty Council FSBS, the faculty council launced a new website
Read moreWhat’s it like to be a member of the Faculty Council?
Staff members can run for candidacy once every two years, which is now! What does it mean to be a member of the Faculty Council? Read the interview with two council members here, Reine van der Wal and Anke Horstman.
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